Tuesday, September 25, 2012

intended to write a post in chinese.
LOL but it would be very time consuming.
as my pinyin deteriorated ever since dont know when.
and just to confess smtg to my blog.

actually, i wasnt really happy in sch today.
cause uhm, the result slips were distributed i got mine. 
never in my life i have got such low rankings in class.
i usually stay in the range of average rankings.
so im an average student. not too good and not too bad either.
but why this time T.T why . its my trial. RAHHHHHHHHH .
ARH imma study seriously and dedicatedly or else i will be in deep shit !
results are so fcking bad i dont even wanna tell it here
*embarassed much*
and then my school has this uhm, culture.
to public everything , your result , your rank your CGPA blah blah. 
on the notice board. T^T 
*digs a hole and hides myself in if i can* 

Somebody save me.
somebody save me.
somebody save me.

if there's somebody.

but deep inside i know,
im the only one that can save myself.
so ill stop the talking and and and
start revising !
Chemistry be my date tonight <3

P/s i miss ohsehun hella much.
T^T my white puppy my bubble tea my maknae my ultimate bias.

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